Team Plus TeleDash iOS

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Team Plus TeleDash iOS App is a great companion for anyone using the Team Plus TELELOGGER or Team Plus WHEEL TURTLES.

The phone app provides live access to data from our sensors over Bluetooth 4 and can also access the data from our TELEHUB servers if you are logging data to that server through the TELELOGGER.   This then includes reviewing data from previous trips and downloading of previous trip data for use in analysis.

Check out the app in the Apple App Store for use on iPhone or iPad.



Team Plus Teledash for iOS is a great companion for anyone using the Team Plus TELELOGGER or Team Plus WHEEL TURTLES.

The phone app provides live access to data from our sensors over Bluetooth 4 and can also access the data from our TELEHUB servers if you are logging data to that server through the TELELOGGER.   This then includes reviewing data from previous trips and downloading of previous trip data for use in analysis.

Check out the app in the Apple App Store for use on iPhone or iPad.